Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Fuckin' OED

Thank you, weed, for leading me to this mind-tickling discovery. Today my father told me a delightful yarn. It was a history lesson regarding the origins of the word "shit". According to him, the term derived from the practice of transporting manure via ship. When sea water leaked in and dampened the manure, the mixture became combustible and, it was feared, could blow up ships. As a result, crates containing manure were labeled S.H.I.T., meaning "Store High In Transit", implying that they were to be stowed above the reach of water. But after some cursory research I have concluded that this is false. It turns out that it actually derives from about a billion fucking Olde English words that mean various negative things. BO-RING!

So here are some origins for the word "fuck" that I found on the Oxford English Dictionary's database. Those A-holes in the 18th century used the word way better that I ever managed to. Here ya go, folks:


"The great fuck upon my weef?" WHAT THE FUCK!? I haven't fucked my weef in ages and everything is going just fine. Step off, OED!


"Ay fukkind lyke ane furious Fornicatour"? That sounds like Hecka good tymes!

And, just for giggles, here's an amusing advertisement I spotted along the side bar whilst perusing the web. 


I don't think they care that Jesus loves you, bra.

-Chron Travolta

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