I ask you, is it any accident that a photograph of Michael Phelps taking a bong rip made it to super main stream media? Or, is it part of a much grander, much more awesome scheme to gradual integrate pot into society- legalize it, tax it, max it out commercial and start selling it by the pounds at Walmart.
First we had Obama, who allegedly smoked a lot of weed- and thank god he did right or he might never have been able to see and feel the things that let him become President. True to that. Now we have Michael Phelps- the second greatest athlete of all time to Larry Bird- getting totally ripped- not a joint, not a bowl- a big old cheech and chong style bong. BAM. Everyone in America and around the world now knows deep down in their heart that weed is cool. Because if Michael Phelps does it there can't be anything wrong with it.